Friday, October 18, 2013


Went to photographer Max Mogale's exhibition "Behind You" at Ocean Studios in Newtown last night. I didn't take pics of what was going on outside the show space but what a vibe it was! So chilled on a balmy Jozi night. Hipster varbz, vele (sorry to those who don't like being called hipsters, but denial will do you nothing much *shrugs*). Anyway, back to the photography...
Max tells me he asked his subjects to sit in silence for 20 minutes while he snapped them. It may sound easy being silent for 20 minutes but I can imagine how frustrating it could be. There are few pictures I enjoyed but I decided the short hair girl with clouds on her sweater is one of my most favourite. The clouds, for me, reflect the vacant state of mind her face illustrates.  

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