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I remember some four years ago when I first started blogging. It was a scary time, trying to penetrate this fashion industry. I remember going to fashion week the first time and seeing all the "intimidating" fashion figures I looked up to. Dion Chang, Aspasia Karras, Jackie Burger, Felipe Mazibuko, just to name a few- they were all there. I did not know how to approach anyone but eventually thought to myself; screw it, let's do it! A few years later, I find myself on a first name basis with most of them and it's a position I appreciate. I also hope the work I have done in this industry has earned me at least two sentences in the pages of South African fashion history. I was taken back to these moment last night when Trevor Stuurman was named ELLE Magazine's first ever Style Reporter (in association with Blackberry). Trevor will now be working at the magazine as their official style reporter, which is something that even the most experienced among us would kill to do. I was taken back to my early blogging days especially when he was handed the microphone to speak about how he feels. I saw him holding back tears of joy and being the softie that I am, I had to look away or else I would have also cried. If you ever read this Trevor, I would like you to know that you are now in a special position and must work hard to make your mark in what is more often than not a tough industry. Keep viewing fashion as a labour of love and you are bound to succeed. Congratulations and I wish you only the best as you embark on this new journey!
Visit Trevor's blog here.
We appreciate Trevor's work. Congratulations to him.
M crying myself now as m readn the article, bumped into the dude last week in long street , and he took pics of me not knwn hez the winner of the Elle style reporter, gosh m so honoured to comment on ths, as I wz honoured 2 be taken the photo by sum1 who works 4 my favarote magazine in the world , ths also inspires me a lot as a woman who loves, breadths fashion for a living , all the best Trevor , hoping I myslf can make it also sumday #mch love# X Siyamthanda Futshane/msijaa@gmail.com
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