Sunday, April 8, 2012


As I write this, I’m sitting on my bed. There’s no sleep in my eyes. It’s a Saturday night and I really don’t feel like going out. A few years ago- maybe two at most- I’d be sitting with a book, reading, or a magazine, paging through and finding interesting stuff I wouldn’t necessarily read at any other time but on a Saturday night when all my heart and mind want is relaxation.
Right now, however, I feel like I really don’t know how to relax anymore. If I’m not out drinking with friends, there’s an event to go to. If I’m not doing that, I’m sitting at home trying to crack my skull about how to approach blogging in an original way and maybe that’s the thing! I am so consumed with the blogosphere, looking at what everyone else is doing and trying to go about being creative about my own blogging that I’ve forgotten how to read just for the sake of it.
As much as I love blogging, maybe I need to find that part of me that knows how to practice oblivion within the chaos. The part of me with the type of curiosity that goes beyond just the fashion blogosphere. The part of me that knows how to live in the moment. Once I find that maybe the blogging, too, will take an interesting turn. I need to relax.

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