Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Saggy Pants are butt-ugly but legal," proclaims a US judge


Looking through my blog roll I came across a post by The Sartorialist; apparently a court judge in the US struck off summons brought against a Bronx man for wearing "saggy pants". I promise you; in the US people are taken to court for such. Read this NY Post article about it.
Personally, I think saggy pants are the most unstylish take on style. What is so appealing about anyone walking around with half their butt in the open. Save that for the bedroom, will you?
As Vivienne Westwood says; "You HAVE to wear clothes, so why not wear BEAUTIFUL clothes?"
Saggy-pant-clad lads can make even the best pair of jeans look unattractive. Let alone themselves. Sies!

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